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Sunday, April 27, 2008

the story behind my deathly hallows quest

I'm sorry... this should have come before the first review...

On the 21st of July, the 7th and last installment of the Harry Potter series will be released after a very long wait. But the agonizing fact lies also on the release day as it will mark the end of Harry Potter and everything that comes with him. Although there's two more movies to go, readers will not have something to pacify their longing for Harry Potter's life after school. What may probably happen next? - a question that may be left unanswered after the apple has been picked out from the shelf and eventually been chewed, swallowed and digested.

Sadness... yes... I for one will forcefully keep myself up when all the mysteries about the life of harry will be revealed. I'm afraid such would be hard to imagine... Oh my... why? why should Rowling stop writing harry? Had she been all fed up after that long and tiring years of writing about him? Well, as for me, i'd rather put up a wizard university because life without harry, in my case and in those fanatics, would eventually be dull.

Hmmp... well, the book's will be out on saturday snd i hope you'll permit me first to read the contents before finally reading my review...
Huhuhu... no more harry potter?..... Hmmmp...


[as seen in NBS Customer Reviews] Let me share you how I striuggled to obtain a copy of the hallows before I give a little review [w/o spoilers of course]. I have reserved a copy in NBS Lucena branch, July 14. In July 20, the organization which I am the president of had an acceptance party to new members up until 6 in the morning - no sleep at all. That's in Lucban. I left at 8am and hurriedly run to SM Lucena and arrived, 10 min before opening [w/o taking a bath... hey, i'm not smelly though]. I tried to see what was happening in NBS outside the mall doors and people are lining up with us outside. [i'm with my sister] Immediately after the woman's voice told "the mall is now open" I tried my best to be on the first line but I failed. But I'm greatful to see that I'm the first customer to enter the store premises. There I saw several copies of the book that for several months I have satisfied myself to see the cover art, thinking that on that day {july 21] it will fall in my hands. I hurriedly went to the customer service area after the cashier kindly instructed me what to do. After paying, signing and confirming of receipts, I got hold of the book and I felt as if the world stopped spinning [no, i'm not being stupid nor over reacting, i'm just telling the feeling I really had felt that time] and then I started leafing through the pages as we head home. I finished the whole reading, July 24 due to so many "disturbances" and also I feel and see through every word printed on those pages. I intentionally delayed my reading for some time because I tried to make myself ready for what might happen next, thinking over the things that happened on the previous chapters before proceeding.

I tried to tell the whole story detail by detail to my eager classmates but some things are better read than heard. I advised them to read it themselves because i was sure I missed certain salient points...

To those who feels my fanatism is somewhat over-reaction, you just don't get my point. Try reading some and I'm sure our minds would meet. If not, well, you're just not one of the prospect readers of Rowling. Try using the Hermeneutic Approach of literary criticism [the work is an entity in itself] As proud as I am, I say that it is an honor to be a part of this great literary history.
Posted by Nicky Guinto on July 14, 2007 at 04:37 AM in Books at Friendster Blogs