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Monday, May 12, 2008

what would it be like to have a lifestyle of the rich and famous?

I fondly ask myself all the time why I was born to a family clinging at the edge of the poverty line. What if fairy tale stories are true. What if there are genies who could grant anything you wish? What if people are born with the choice about how they would like their lives to be? Too many what ifs.

I have so many things that I want to buy to be satisfied and be happy. Although I already have some of them, they still can't pacify my hunger for other things. When I see them displayed on store windows, I daydream that it's/ they are mine which usually ends with disappointment because I know that it's impossible because it's/ they are too expensive.

Well these things are actually tech gadgets because I'm a kind of person who likes to give them a shot and eventually be an expert of them for me to share the knowledge to those who would be needing them. I believe I'm someone who always have a question on different things. And my way to answer them is through personal discovery. It's something which gives me a sense of fulfillment.

So, in connection to my topic, if ever I was born with a silver spoon on my mouth (is that the right idiom? hehe) my life would be truly perfect.

I was surfing the net one day about a certain asianovela which gained wide acceptance in the this country. I stumbled upon the blog of one of the main cast and there I've read how sad he is because he can no longer be free to do whatever he wants and that he is always tired.

Life is so ironic isn't it? There are people who desperately wants to be a celebrity and yet there are those who are celebrities already but wants to escape from the wonder that fame give them!

I asked myself, what if I am a world-renowned celebrity like him? Would I also end up being tired of my fans' gaze and admiration? True, being on top meant a stack of responsibilities and stressful expectations from people who believe in you. And I should reveal that sometimes I feel something like that, although not under the context of being a celebrity.. It's in school, that is. After working your way to being one of the best, all eyes are on your every move, to the point that if you made one single mistake, it would mean the end of your world!

Well, possibly, spiderman is right that "Great power comes with great responsibilities." don't you think?

I am thankful, however to be born in a family who is so loving and supportive. But if ever I would be given the chance, if ever fairy tales are true, if ever there are genies who could grant my wishes, I would also love to try for once the lifestyle of the rich and famous...