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Sunday, April 27, 2008

CNN's God's Warriors

As words spread out in this composition, I am simultaneously watching CNN’s GOD’S WARRIORS. It's amazing how Christian Amanpour, the reporter sought after the deepest mystery inside the three major religions in the world. But it's so ungrateful to say that I missed the last part - those about the Christian Warriors yet I'm in strong faith that I soon will catch the show again.
Here are the facts I've gathered from the documentary.

:: God's Jewish Warriors ::

"When politics and piety collides, it will form a volatile combination."

1. Jews believe in the fact that their Messiah will only come if they all have settled in the land appropriated for them by God. Their Torah [their holy text] tells that Moshiac [roughly spelled Hebrew for Messiah] they must secure once again the lands that for so long have been occupied by other faiths, the Islam, the Christians and other minor sects.

2. Israel is the melting pot of religious grounds for in a single part of Jerusalem lies all the sacred places of the three religions. The Muslims built a wall around that space which included the lamenting wall of the Jews, the nativity for the christian and the temple of the rock for the Muslims where Mohammad, as they believe, have been concieved by God to spread Allah's words.

3. After the three-day war initiated by the Israelis, they've won the lands they were fighting for. However, although they've secured once again the sacred lands, which includes the place where an immensely sacred temple for the Jews once stood [now having only the lamenting wall as remnant] have been prohibited by the international community specifically the United Nations to create settlements in those area and throw away those who were residing in those place which majorly constitutes the Muslims. Nevertheless, Israel never yield. They built several settlement areas leaving several muslims homeless.

4. The United States, for so long have abhorred the actions of the Israeli government not until the time of Bushearned their approval. But this led to a more tacit battle between international leaders.

:: God's Muslim Warriors ::

1. Islam women in Iran aren’t allowed to run for higher position in the government because “God says leadership is for those deserving ‘men’.”

2. Islam women do not admit that their religion and their governments are discriminating them from the patriarchal society, instead, they vowed to defend their country as what their Messiah has done if need be.

3. Majority of Muslims believe that suicide bombing should not be viewed solely as a heinous crime but a task which has reasons.

4. Iranian people are waiting for their messiah Imam Hussein, the son of Mohammed who fought his way to death to protect his land, which as of now is being done by Iranians.

5. Islamism is actually not a religion but a law which must be followed.

6. “Women under veil is not a sign of discrimination but a sign of respect for the women”

Personally, I apprase Christian Amanpour for her brave act of presenting such facts which for long years leaders and ordinary people alike have left into oblivion or worse forgotten.

If you've seen her strong and direct-to-the-point questions during the interview, you'd also be impressed at how such a woman gathered the strength to question vital points in religion which no one have ever done before. To think that the person's she's interviewing are leaders of the respective religions.

Posted by Nicky Guinto on August 27, 2007 at 01:37 AM in Television a Friendster Blogs