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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (my first review)

Far more than any other literary work in the history of mankind has a book been so highly anticipated and highly appraised than the Harry Potter series of Joanne Kathlene Rowling. Now that the seventh and last installment is now in circulation, mostly in the hands of muggles [non-magical people], you probably have heard the fate of Harry as well as his faithful friends, Ron and Hermione from the mouths of your die-hard acquaintances. Statistics say that it is the FASTEST-SELLING BOOK in history with 70 M + copies sold in over 93 english-speaking countries in the first 24 hours of its release. Could you imagine that? Well that’s the magic of Rowling’s unwavering wit and unrelenting talent in story-telling. To Harry Potter faithfuls, never fear, for I will only fill this article with critical analysis and some non-essential [in my point of view] parts of the book.

The book started with a very intriguing scene where Snape is seen to spill out the plans of the Order of the Phoenix to he-who-must-not-be-named. Snape’s loyalty has long been contested upon by various HP fanatics reaching into the internet and up to television programs and yet, the most detailed and probably the best part of the book lies in chapter 33, THE PRINCE’S TALE. Yes, if you ask me, this book is now my number one in terms of adventure and suspense pushing my previous 1st, HP and the Order of the Phoenix in the 2nd spot on my list. Honestly, in the 46 novels [in counting] that I have read, this, I can consider is the best among the rest. It seems as if you really are one of the novel’s characters as opposed to those that I have read which isolates you as a reader who imagines what the texts assert. I’m sure other fanatics would agree with me in that sense…

Rowling truly did the magic great this time as if fans have been under the imperius curse [a curse which would follow the will of the one who conjured it] with such a considerable number of books sold in a single day and reviews booming in every part of the world chronicling the wonders they have experienced in in just a read...
Months before the official release, speculations as to what the Deathly Hallows are sprang from one dedicated Potter site to another and yet Rowling gave them more of what they had expected. Every part of the book really is elating as if from chapter to chapter, hunger to find out what's next will penetrate into your stomach. Delicious, as all reveiwers say, has the book been described as and a worthwhile book to spend a considerable amount [in the Philippines, that is] and extend 24 hours in 36 and more... Nothing, I say nothing can ever break such a tough record.

Let's cling to the story once again. The book, at large, is overwhelming with moral lessons from friendship, to love and eventually, death. Who says Harry Potter is for children only? Every line in the text proves critics wrong that adults are out of their mind to follow Potter's bandwagon, yet the series, particularly the Deathly Hallows, provided adults with an avenue to explore horizons which they so deliberately disregarded in exchange of the mediocre and materialistic world. The novel has taught me that life is not just all about sleeping, waking up, eating meals, going to school, mingling with friends and sleeping again. Its more of giving attention small things - that this small things can turn into something huge and prodigious. [I'm still on the novel okay.. It's just that, it's really what I felt although if you would examine it explicitly and even implicitly, none of the words I'm saying would come out.] Friendship. Never have I felt so pure and distinct. The friendship shown in this novel by the author, if you would allow me, is something surreal in this modern world. And yet, Rowling tries to inculcate this to her readers' minds. If you would only open your eyes to the reality only a handful of cliques can be said as true and the majority, only for the sake of being socially involved.


Posted by Nicky Guinto on July 22, 2007 at 07:05 AM in Books in Friendster Blogs