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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Youngblood 3

Lately, I've been hooked at reading the essays of this compilation which now falls under my favorite's list. Ok.. I know what you'll say "Every book you read is always your favorite. What's new?" But this book totally hit the spot. Everything a budding writer and a story-hungry person like me would share the same thoughts with me. It's complete, compact, consice and most of all, it's young at heart.

Yup.. I can relate to some of the articles and to tell you the truth, I have moved from mourning to the end of the Harry Potter series [which I now created a shelf cum altar at home] to expanding my reading interests such as these essays straight from the heart of the youth.

I'm now planning to collect all the three compilations. The second is still out in the market but the third, I fear, I could only find in Manila. Well, that's not so bad... I'll be going to Manila next Saturday to buy an overhead projector as a project of my organization... I'm sure I won't go home without the first compilation in my hands and i'm sure my companions wouldn't mind. But if so, I'll have to ask another favor from my good friends in Manila... Hey, could you? Pretty please?...

So now, I'm urging you to immerse yourself to reading these compilation for I'm sure you'll thank me sooner or later...
Posted by Nicky Guinto on August 04, 2007 at 09:45 AM in Books at Friendster Blogs