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Sunday, April 27, 2008

time's perfidy

Life's ecstatic sense is bit by bit, beginning to become obscured by the treacherous nature of responsibilities hanging about my disposition.

There's so much I want life to provide me answer for but above all these is the rhetoric "why time is pushing my energy to the limits at a period when I should have been doing better, pleasure-imbedded things in my life that I would bring forth and treasure later."

There's so many things I want to do but then, as responsibilities rise at a mountain height, I find it harder to seek for unadulterated hours of bliss for myself. Time's unbearable pace is pushing the young I know a little about out of my dimming awareness. Dimming. For I'm now under the impression that a stranger has taken over the life I thought I'm still in control of.

I know there's someone out there who omnisciently keeps my path straight but I can't seem to find the road laid down for me though I know that everything's spoonfed upon me.

This article isn't supposed to be like this. It's just that the idea had just sprang out of my mind. I don't know why. But I think it just have to end this way. Everything that preceded is nonsense and so don't mind what i've said ok?

Posted by Nicky Guinto on August 18, 2007 at 06:49 AM in Weblogs at Friendster Blogs