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Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Devil Wears Prada

Humor, drama and suppressed anger - these and everything else can be found in this best selling and beautifully hewn book by Lauren Weisberger.

From the start, up to the end, especially when Andrea Sach, the protagonist met and worked with the demanding, strict and insensitive Miranda Priestly, the antagonist, you will find each and every part hilariously funny yet with deeper points to review. Although Andrea is already heating up with the treatment of her boss to herself, she still did not give up because she knows that sooner or later, she'll "learn this thing" about fashion. (F.Y.I. - she has no idea about anything in fashion when she stepped in the doors of the fashion magazine she worked in for several months) In addition to the previously-mentioned statement, if you would read beyond the lines, it can be seen that her ego is springing up, blinding her eyes and numbing her senses for the ill-treatment of her superior. She doesn't want her parents as well as her boyfriend, Alex to know that she's weak, that she screwed up her first job which many say "a million girls woul die for". (Well of course, it's not she who's the problem but the attitude of her boss, that is...)

But there deep inside her heart is the eagerness to be known for being a writer which while she was under Miranda's doors clouded such a dream of hers that sprouted in her student days. She has been hired as a junior assistant to Miranda which explicitly saying, she's a virtual slave to her. But still, she kept on fighting. (That I guess was what it tells - never to give up so early) However, in the end, she blurted out and there, she knew that it's she who really have to decide and proceed achieving her dreams, not through the help of a big fashion magazine which if you would consider would be a great asset for a struggling writer who want's something to light up her resume.


Well, the movie is another entity in itself since it did not follow the plot sequence of the book. I can say that I liked both the endings of the movie and the book. The movie, although at first I was disappointed for not keeping in with the way the story went in the book, but as I reflect more intently, I find both a great literary and production feat. The movie producer/ director made sure that there will be something unique about it apart from the book, something which made me give due credit to the people behind the silver screen.

I I were you, I would start reading the book because I could say that you would definitely miss half of your life!!!

Posted by Nicky Guinto on June 01, 2007 at 09:07 AM in Books at Friedster Blogs