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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Uzumaki Naruto vs. Harry Potter

It's quite a long time since i've written my last blog (in Fiendster Blogs). I really missed writing one. Although I don't particularly know if anyone truly read this, the good thing behind is the fact that I could enhance my writing skills in some ways and I could reflect the things that are happening to me or those which I am doing in another. On top of that, I feel fulfilled everytime I see my works or rather writings published online. One day, through this, I might find whether I truly have improved in different aspects of my life.

Lately, I have been really hooked at watching the anime NARUTO which basically forced me to rename this blog with sensei which, of course, I learned from the series. I was quite astounded at how they give meaning to a sensei - a teacher or mentor in English, but is far more different and somehow complex to its equivalent in English.
The NARUTO series gave me the perfect definition of who I want to be once I embark in the field of teaching. It's quite impossible to express it in words, though, but I'll make sure to be a sensei some day.

As for the anime NARUTO, I find it truly addicting, which if I reflect back to the days when I was reading HARRY POTTER, I found that they share the same excitement that any reader or enthusiast would feel. Furthermore, both of their stories are somehw related in terms of the background of the main characters.

Take a look at Harry. He's a kid who grew up without his parents and who have been outcasted by the society he lives in. As for Naruto, they are the same, he, who grew up without the love and care of parents and who was considered a monster by the village of konoha.

When they learned who they really are and who they really want to be, they became a different person who little by little gained friends and acceptance from people around them.

But there's one thing that I like more about Naruto than Harry. Naruto has a great determination to become a Hokage, the village chief, who is entrusted with the welfare of the villagers. But as for Harry, I can't really dewcipher what he's aiming at until the end. And with that, I was quite moved by Naruto's story more than how I felt back when I finished Harry. The Harry Potter series do gave me the sense of suspense, which I guess became its primary asset. But I feel that I am much more impressed at how Kishimoto and his team molded the character of Naruto. Truly impressive, I must say. And I feel that if it was originally written in English, it would have gained far more recognition than the Potter series.

Well, these are just my opinions, though. I don't know if you would feel the same. But try watching Naruto if you find time. Be sure to watch it from the start...

The Japanese word above is actually my nick name's japanese versions, Nicky, which in Japanese is pronounced as NIKKU. I planned to include it on this blog's title but it's a JPEG image and my computer does not support Japanese caractres, so I guess, I'll just leave it posted on this article.

Posted by Nicky Guinto on April 25, 2008 at 01:15 AM in Weblogs at Friendster Blogs