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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Migrating to Blogger

I truly am fond of sharing my ideas to people around the world especially those who share the same interests and passion with me. This is the reason why I moved to Blogger from Friendster Blogs. I believe that I could attract more audience with blogger.

I still am firm on the belief that a person writes for another person to read it. An actor needs an audience for him to be called an actor, which is the same with an author for he can never be called an author if he has no reader.

I know that blogs are supposed to be somewhat personal and reflective, but I am more adept at writing things which interests me most and which catches my attention, otherwise, it wouldn't be interesting to read for a reader who happened to drop by.

So to catch up with the time I've "wasted" at Friendster Blogs, I posted all my notable entries starting May, 2007 so that those who would visit could read some of the articles I have written before out of my desire to share my thoughts.

However, this blog WILL NOT BE SOLELY DEDICATED TO MY REVIEWS ON BOOKS WHICH I HAVE READ. It will still function as my online diary, the venue where I could pour out the overwhelming ideas in this thick head of mine.

By the way, if you are curious about the MEANING OF THE TITLE OF THIS BLOG, well, here it is: biblio = book and sensei = japanese for teacher/mentor. So this blog is literally named as BOOK TEACHER.

For those people who find my assertions unjusttifiable, improperly stated or just irritating, I'm sorry to say but we have different perceptions about the world, we don't have the same mind and most importantly, please remeber that opinions are always honored in the civilized world.

Thank you very much!